Tunnel Vision

Focus needs to be a focal priority in your life. Regardless of what you have going on or lack thereof. There will always be distractions, setbacks and obstacles. The key factor is how you handle them and learn from them. One thing I noticed that can be a stumbling block is envy or worrying about what others are doing.

That little green monster has definitely reared it’s ugly head numerous times in my life. I can say that without a doubt and for a fact. I notice this is a frequent occurrence for many especially with social media being at the forefront of how everyone finds shit out. Sometimes it isn’t even that you need to actively show jealousy or have it be a prominent emotion. If you are really so pressed about what the next is doing and comparing your life’s journey to others, that my fear is envy but in perhaps a more diluted form. One thing I’ve come to learn is to put them blinders on and exercise tunnel vision. Think back to when Michael Phelps swam against Chad Le Clos in 2016. Take note on how Le Clos kept looking in the other lane at Michael to see his pace and ultimately lost the match but Michael swam on to victory because he did not look in any other direction but forward. That has got to be one of the most beautiful examples of tunnel vision I’ve ever witnessed. Sidebar, I definitely should have done that during my competitive swimming days but you live and learn.

I have been doing a lot of reflecting and self realization during this period of me being unemployed. A lot of truths and hard ones at that have been surfacing and one of them is my discontent with the here and now. While it can serve as a motivator to do better and aim higher, it’s been the exact opposite for me. I have been bitter, angry, resentful and so close to giving up more than I care to admit. However, I am proud of myself for blogging more and self reflecting because it is precisely what the universe needs for me to do. Writing is my form of tunnel vision and it is also my personal tool for me to grow more.

I end this blog post to then say this. Fuck that green monster of envy. Your life is worthy. You are worthy and your blessings are definitely on the way. Put on them blinders with whatever you need to do so and exercise that tunnel vision. Love and light.

– writer from jersey

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