
The mind is a powerful thing. It is the filter through which our thoughts pass and they either remain or disappear. The outcome of your thoughts is entirely up to you. It isn’t always black and white though. Or easy for that matter.

I am an over thinker. I know I have mentioned this in previous posts but it is a fact/flaw about myself that I am actively working on. I will literally sit there and create scenario after scenario about the most mundane situation or occurrence in life. I also feel the need to analyze everything. Any thought that enters my mind goes through surgery with how much I poke and prod them. This has landed me in deep shit sometimes to say the least. I have done my best to tame this flaw of mine especially nowadays because I just have to. I need to be the guardian of my mind and not allow negativity to take root. It is of the utmost importance for me to do so. Thoughts are a breeding ground for manifestation, projecting vibes and setting the tone for what the universe is bringing to you. I am literally writing this blog for myself as well as the rest of you. Sometimes I need a reminder of this as well. I’ve done my best to meditate, hold my crystals close and maintain my attitude of not giving up.

Your mind can either be a lovingly tended garden or a barren desert. The choice is up to you. NOTE TO SELF JASMINE. This is for you too.

– writer from jersey

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