Writing Police?

Everything should have it’s proper place and time. That saying rings true for certain aspects of life but does it apply for the world of writing? I am all for improving on writing always. Constructive criticsm is welcomed but from a learning and growing standpoint. You can either learn from it and apply it to your own or grow from it with an open mind but choose to steer away from it. One thing I have never been a fan of is a person who deems themselves as the writing police.

I understand the creative realm of writing is ever evolving, People’s taste changes, common audiences shift and perhaps you the writer move on to another genre. However, you have trolls who think that their duty is to control what others do on their blogs. I understand that someone’s style or way of expressing things isn’t going to fit everyone’s box and all but we are artists just the same. One painter may prefer painting on canvas while the next may favor splatter paints. One writer may love to rhyme in every poetry piece they write. Others like myself just let the words spill out how they may. Art has no limits so who told you that you could stifle the next persons creative process?

– writer from jersey

4 thoughts on “Writing Police?

    1. Oh same here of course. I just find that even those who aren’t trolling can come across that way without realizing it. I don’t mind constructive criticism at all but there’s a fine line between constructive criticism and putting someone down

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